HOA Updates
The HOA Board
New Monuments!
The HOA Board is currently building new and improved Spyglass Hill monuments!
We are so thankful for all the work that they do to make our neighborhood a better and more beautiful place.
Why read HOA Updates?
It's important to stay up to date on all the awesome things that the HOA board is doing to help our community! Spyglass would not be Spyglass without them.
HOA Monthly Meetings
The HOA board holds monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at our local church next to Lincoln Elementary School, St. Michael and All Angels, and CDM. If you'd like to present a question/issue, you can attend and bring it up to the board during the general session. Homeowners can present a case starting at approximately 6:45pm.
For any questions or concerns in the neighborhood, please email Laura Dorcsak, Spyglass Hill Community Manager, at ldorcsak@regentcmc.com.